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 The Objective Frame in the Subjective Frame

In shooting the photo, I am a voyeur. The viewers are in looking at it. Both I and the models beside me are exhibitionists in the work. There are various frames for my images: around the larger image, within the image and the frame created by the viewer themselves. I want to both perform part of the art itself as well as being the artist. People reacted in different ways to my nudity, depending on their gender and relationship to me. This is seen in my work. Initially, my naked body may shock but the gaze shifts to concentrate more on those next to me. I shoot and feature in the photographs, so am both object and subject. People forget that they are viewed as they view. Nudity makes people feel uncomfortable because of other's gaze. However, these emotions are needed to get their attention. Embarrassment is not my personal emotion, but rather a natural human reaction.


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